The following testimonials validate the effectiveness of my treatments!
"...Kathy Eason has changed my life again and again..."
Over the last couple of years, Kathy Eason has changed my life again and again. I began seeing her after being in a domestic abuse situation that threw my nervous system out of balance. Through her carefully considered treatment sessions, she helped me release blockages I was and wasn’t aware of, which allowed me to regain confidence, joy, strength, and clarity. Through her therapies and theta healing, Kathy cured my 10 year chronic low back pain that I had seen multiple massage therapists, chiropractors, doctors and acupuncturists for, she brought strength and balance to both my sprained ankles, I stand taller and more centered, and sleep better . I am a new and improved human being because of her and am forever grateful to have found such a thorough, caring, kind, and honest therapist.
-L. Rinehardt
"...I don’t even know where to begin to explain the gift of finding Kathy Eason..."
I have been using alternative treatments for over 40 years. Kathy Eason has removed issues that other practitioners, in several different modalities, have worked on for years. I found Kathy’s website in March 2021.
Here are some of the amazing health changes I have experienced:
As a child I rollerskated in competition and from the tight lacing of my boots I had leg cramps almost every day for 60 years. They are gone and have been for several months. It’s such a pleasure to wake up in the morning and be able to stretch in bed without it resulting in agonizing pain.
About 30 years ago I started having vision migraines. They lasted about 30 minutes and repeated several times a month, sometimes twice a day. With Kathy’s treatments they are now gone.
For at least 40 years I have had an issue with my Atlas vertebrae misaligning. With Kathy‘s treatments it has been resolved and is stable again. Over the years chiropractors have put it back in place and within a week it pops back out again. Not now… It’s gone!
The last couple of years I’ve experienced some emotional heartbreak and through Kathy‘s Theta Healings there is a renewed balance, peace, and love that is heartwarming and priceless. I wasn’t familiar with Theta Healing before I met Kathy and I can’t recommend it enough, it is just a beautiful thing.
I could go on and on with all the health issues Kathy has corrected in this last year. I’ll just finish by saying I don’t even own an aspirin, I wake up in the morning without pain, I feel like there’s nothing I can’t do and I’m 76.
I have a double session with Kathy once a month and I consider it a gift to my body. The double session allows Kathy time to really balance every part of the body. While I don’t have any aches and pains anymore I will always continue my treatments once a month as a gift to me. For me it’s like getting a chiropractic treatment, massage, Reiki, Myofacial Release, Cranial therapy, and direction of energy treatments all in one package.
I will just say again I have never found any practitioner as capable as Kathy Eason. I am amazed every time I have a treatment with her.
-Judee Ausnow, Bristol
"...works so diligently and selflessly on treating her patients,..."
I was a skeptic!
by Marina Evans
I met Kathy in 2004 after finally being diagnoses with fibromyalgia after years of unsuccessful treatments for supposedly different skeletal/muscular ailments. Because I was doing so poorly at that time, my high school age daughter started inquiring into alternative treatments and found Kathy and set up 10 appointments for me.
Coming from an analytical background, I was a skeptic, as I was not familiar with myofascial release nor cranioscacrial therapy and to my great surprise and incredible blessing, my sleep improved after the first treatment and this improvement was sustained for almost 10 years, now. My chronic pain became bearable and my range of motion improved greatly. I routinely work 9 to 10 hour days and I am highly functional in spite of my diagnosis of fibromyalgia 10 years ago.
Kathy is a compassionate professional that applies her excellent academic training and great intuition for the overall wellbeing of her patients. I never have seen any professional that works so diligently and selflessly on treating her patients, even if it means that she has to keep some unusual business hours to accommodate her patients’ needs.
Kathy has been such a blessing to me and my family and I trust her professional judgment completely when it comes to treating my skeletal/muscular issues associated with fibromyalgia.
-Marina Evans, Johnson City
"Katherine Eason gave me my guitar back, my voice back and my life back."
The Storyteller's Workshop
by Marci Nimick
My right arm was too weak to pick up my purse, and my grip wasn’t sufficient to hold the steering wheel. I was having tremors in my arm and shoulder. My back, neck and shoulder all hurt so badly that I wanted to cry, or maybe, I wanted to cry because I had been in this shape for a lot of my life and this was just a case of “here we go again.” Either way, I was far too sick to go anywhere that night, but something kept telling me I had to go to that storyteller workshop.
I was trying to learn all that I could about storytelling because my pain had been too bad for a long time to play the guitar, and I was often too weak to sing with any power, but I still wanted to entertain. In as much as I was desperate to learn, I really didn’t participate in the workshop that night which is very unusual for me. Like many people with chronic pain and fatigue, I had become a master of pushing through and hiding the truth, but I had reached my limit.
My friend and fellow storyteller, Linda, noticed that I was struggling, and she told me about this myofascial release therapist in Johnson City who had helped her with her headaches. I actually already knew something about myofascial release from a massage therapist in Nashville so I was sold immediately. All Linda told me was the name and that she would have to get back to me with more information in about a week because she was going out of town. I knew I wasn’t supposed to wait so I tracked the therapist down and had my first appointment before that week was up.
I have been to a lot of workshops in my life and have learned a lot of the things, but I learned something far more valuable that night than I have ever learned in any other workshop. I learned the name “Katherine Eason”, and Katherine Eason gave me my guitar back, my voice back and my life back.
-Marci Nimick
Assistant Professor of Communication
Professional Storyteller/Singer-songwriter
"Kathy Eason saved my life."
by Kathe Crossley
About 16-17 years ago I was in pain constantly. It hurt to stand, walk
and sit. This was totally affecting my professional and personal life.
I have had MS for over 30 years but my neurologist kept saying to me "
this is not MS". He sent me to other Doctors to help figure out what was
causing my pain.
The orthopedist and the neurosurgeon tested everything. I went through
epidurals and nerve tests. Everyone was looking at the nerve tests of my
legs and the x-rays and MRI's of my spine but
couldn't find anything to explain my pain and disabilities. I felt like
they thought I was a complainer and
a hypochondriac. Finally, my neurologist and Mayo clinic diagnosed my
problem--I had no hip joint. It had been years of bone on nerve.
my hip replacement, that pain
was gone but other problems appeared. My muscles were week, one leg was
longer than the other, it was hard to walk, my gait was very unsteady and
out of balance, and I
had to hobble along, always, with a cane.
My doctors had done all they
could for me. I went to physical therapists, acupuncturist and massage
therapists. I went to an OD who helped me a lot but
said she couldn't do any more to help me. I thought "that was it, all my
excellent care givers were finished". I had to resign myself to half a
life because of my pain, my hobble and my inability to function normally.
Then a stranger suggested I go see
Kathy Eason because she had really helped them. I thought to myself "OK
another wild goose chase to put myself through". But, when you are at
the end of your rope praying for a "hail Mary" you will try anything.
That’s when I met Kathy. She was very professional, kind and accepting.
With her medical training as a Occupational Therapist, a Myofacial Release
therapist and a Craniosacral therapist, she understood me. She wanted to
know everything about my history, all my problems and all my complaints,
She made me feel
like everything I pointed out about my physical condition was an
important clue for her therapy.
Her therapy is hands on with some energy work done in a calm, inviting,
warm, private and secure place.
She said she could stop my sinus headaches, which I had had for years. I
had lived on Sudafed and ClaritinD in order to breath at work.
I thought "right lady, you are going to stop my headaches that no doctor
could?" But, she did in a couple of sessions. That got my attention.
While she worked with me, she stressed that I needed to tell her if I was
uncomfortable or in pain because that was not part of her therapy. She
would change
her touch and her approach to my problems. My sessions with her were
always full of acceptance, compassion, optimism and humor.
Then over the months, she changed my life. It didn't happen over night.
It took work on both our sides, but now I can walk normally, without a
cane and way less pain. I live a full normal life because of her care.
When I see my doctors, other care givers and friends, they are surprised
and pleased with my success. I give Kathy's therapy the credit. I compare
the experience to when all the good caring doctors tried to help me with
my pain by looking at the spine. Kathy is the one who looks in different
places to help me with my pain.
Kathy helps all her patients by looking at them and, then, treating them
in "different ways". She is totally dedicated to her work and her
When I am asked, I say Kathy Eason saved my life. I know other
patients who say the same words.
Once you are a patient of Kathy's, she is always willing to fit you in if
you have a setback or an emergency. She is really interested in your
wellbeing as a patient and a person.
-Kathe Crossley |
"...deep commitment to the best possible outcomes..."
by Peg MacMillan
Kathy brings her best self to every session of therapy. She brings an intelligence and intuition that perfectly complement each other in her choices of how to work.
As a client, I felt her deep commitment to the best possible outcomes in my treatment. If you sometimes feel you haven't really been "heard" by other practitioners, come see Kathy for an evaluation and a few treatments.
To illustrate some of the qualities I admire in Kathy, I've listed the reasons I think of her as a cutie pie.
C compassionate
U understanding
T tenacious
I intuitive
E educated
P passionate
I intelligent
E energetic
-Peg MacMillan |
"...one of the most dedicated, caring, and professional healers..."
by Catherine Tanner, MD
Kathy Eason is one of the most dedicated, caring, and professional healers it has been my privilege with which to participate. She has taught me, many times, to expand my conception of how the human body communicates and heals. I am profoundly grateful for her devotion to her work.
-Catherine Tanner, MD |
"...has been very beneficial to my overall healing."
by Jennifer Moore
I have been seeing Kathy for several months now to resolve my chronic neck
and shoulder pains. I have tried over the years various other alternative
methods to try to get a more permanent solution to my neck and shoulder
pains, and I have found that the work that Kathy does to have more of a
longer lasting effect and more signs of progress. I would highly recommend
doing the Amygdala Connection Technique as it has brought up and released a
lot of buried emotions that has been very beneficial to my overall healing.
Also, I have found that the double sessions have accomplished way more for
me than the single sessions. I have recommended Kathy to everyone that I
know as I know that her methods work!
-Jennifer Moore
"...I noticed major changes in my life/health..."
by Alexis Phillips
After two sessions with Kathy, I noticed major changes in my life/health. I went in for ear discomfort and years of ear infections. To my surprise I had additional positive health outcomes after our sessions together. I would highly recommend myofascial release to anyone of any age, and in any stage of life. The results are incredible.
Additional positive health outcomes:
- Painless periods with absolutely no bloating (Never in my life had I experienced a COMPLETELY pain-free period)
- Improved intimacy with husband (Healthier sex drive, painless, and feeling more connected)
- Happier outlook on life
- Better range in motion
- Flattened stomach (I was diagnosed with PCOS as a teen and felt I held a lot of inflammation in my lower stomach region)
- Better digestion/better bowel movements
- Clearer/glowing skin
- The ability to relax and live more carefree
- More laughter, less worry
- The ability to open my heart more and feel confident about who I am as a person
- Sharper memory
- Releasing suppressed memory/emotions and finding freedom
- Ability to handle stress
- Better sleep
- Healthy cycles
Kathy is an amazing human being. She is extremely intelligent, gentle, kind, thoughtful, selfless, and dedicated to helping others heal. Please keep in mind this long list of positive outcomes has only been after TWO sessions. I will continue to receive care from my dear friend Kathy and without a doubt will
double if not triple this list! I recommend her to all friends and family because of the difference she has made in my life. She deserves all the hibiscus plants and dolphin adventures in the world (her favorite things)
I feel honored to know her. Looking to make a difference in your mind, body, spirit health? Give Kathy a call today! You will probably be put on a waiting list because everyone knows how awesome she is, but it will be worth the wait!
Alexis P.
"...I could not believe how fast this worked!..."
Scar Review:
Kathy treated / released a scar on my naval. I have had
this scar for 11 years and it was irritating not only visibly
but physically as well. Scars can create an energetic block
and effect the whole body and I felt tenderness from my
scar around my menstrual cycle. This scar was pink and
puffy as it sat right above my naval region. Within one
session with Kathy mindfully releasing this scar, it had
basically disappeared. I could not believe how fast this
worked! I barely notice it now and when changing my
shirt in front of a mirror I caught a glimpse of my
stomach and was shocked to NOT see this scar that has
been present for over a decade! It has now turned skin
color and is no longer puffy or sensitive. Kathy is so
skilled and whatever health goal you are looking to
improve a session with her will guide you in the right
direction of true healing.
~ LP |